Sunday, February 24, 2019


I was sorting through all my files and found this piece written  in 2014  when I didn't know about Blogger yet. I was very amazed myself having read what I wrote almost 5 years ago.

The Longest War 
By: Euclid, 25 March 2014


 was very challenged, inspired at the same time, to write this article when a student, during the school’s Friday assembly, explicitly said onstage that Science is far better than Mathematics and that the latter is so much boring than the former.

I certainly disagree. I was like slapped in the face left and right. I was the only Math teacher who seated in the 3rdrow while the rest were in the 6thor so. Funny though, students kept on looking at me, every time she says something against math. The worst thing is, just before the students were called onstage to do a presentation regarding their Cambridge Visit experiences, I announced to the entire assembly that we will be celebrating Mathematics Week the week after. 

Comparing Math and Science is like comparing the male and the female species. Certainly incomparable! You cannot actually say that being a man is better than being a woman simply because you’re a man. That would be being gender-biased. A woman wouldn’t exactly feel how it is to be a man. So do men. They wouldn’t understand women most of the time because they don’t or wouldn’t really know what and how it is to be like them.

The two subject areas are well not meant to be compared and be separated from each other.  They are to work for and with each other. Since history, Math has been doing the work it knew possible for what Science has achieved so far. In the same way, Science has done its part. To mention a point, chemistry classes has to compute for atomic masses or for some electron’s sake during the study of atoms. Similarly, in every math class, the scientific method is also used. So, there is no way that they are to be differentiated from each other.

I personally say that it is absolutely unfair to say such comment. Now, being a Mathematics teacher for more than a decade, it is my daily dose of challenge how to make my Mathematics class the best class ever. 

I am encouraging all Mathematics teachers to give a full blast Math class, every time you have one. Let us do our part in lifting ourselves and the subject to higher grounds. It is high time to rise up and make every way possible to let all students make the most of their time while they are in our classes. We should make them want for more of our sessions… that they don’t have to fear making classworks or homeworks or even taking tests.  

We must therefore put this war to an end because there is No War after all. 
It is simply a misunderstanding of some sort. 


Let me know about your thoughts on this article. 

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